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Benefits Of Speed Reading Course

Whether you are a professional or a student, reading is critical in whatever task you are performing, and a speed reading course is essential to be able to read quickly without wasting time and for understanding what you read in the earliest possible date. Irrespective of whether you are reading a textbook, research material, a report, or even a newspaper, the ability of speed reading and comprehending whatever you read immediately will stand you in good stead. 

Techniques of Speed Reading 

To develop this faculty, you need regular, sustained practice along with dedicated efforts and concentration. Your efforts must include clarity of purpose, and the aim of reading the particular item of information should be clearly delineated. If you are reading a book, you should familiarize yourself with the table of contents, expert reviews, introduction, and the summary before you start reading the book. This will give you a fair idea of what the book is all about and enable you to scan the book. You should also identify obstacles like eye defects or non-conducive environment that you might face and take steps to remove these hurdles. 

The other techniques that are taught in the speed reading course include: how to pre-read; how to stop the sub-vocalizing habit; how to read blocks of text; how to use your finger and peripheral vision while reading; and how to practice not to skip back. The websites also provide audio exercises and relevant articles that give more knowledge about speed reading. 
The principal advantage of attending an online speed reading course is that you will acquire the ability to read rapidly without lowering your level of comprehension and understanding of the subject matter. This ability will help you in various situations of your life. Moreover, the time that you will save by reading quickly can be utilized more usefully in doing other important jobs. Many people are also able to improve their memory and comprehension levels by attending this online speed reading courses.
If you do a lot of reading in your day to day routine, maybe you understand just how much of a time-consuming process it can be. Reading can be fun and enjoyable, but at the same time, it might be required as part of your job or school work. That being said, perhaps you would be interested in being able to read much faster then you are able to now; while still being capable of retaining the same amount of information. Speed reading is the key to your interest, and can effectively help you in your endeavor to become a faster and more efficient reader.
Many people learn speed reading as a way to simply read their favorite books faster while many others desire to perform better at work or school. The reasons vary from person to person while the interest remains the same; people want to learn speed reading. No matter what your reason is, there are many different ways that you can learn speed reading. Speed reading is taught using a whole slew of techniques and tips that unlock the power of your mind to become a faster reader. One method that is used will teach you how to effectively remember key details within any read. Using this method, you will be able to simply remember the key details when you need that information, rather than re-read something you have already read.
Some people may be interested in learning to speed read, yet may not fully understand the benefits. This is entirely understandable, and so some of these benefits shall be listed as follows. Imagine going to work at your office and sitting at your desk; now imagine that you have a whole bunch of company emails and memos to go through. Most of, if not all of these emails and notes will contain important information about policies or projects you are working on. Instead of spending so much time reading these as you normally would, speed reading would enable you to be able to breeze right through them. In this way, you could spend more time concentrating on getting the work done instead of spending so much time reading. You would have the edge over coworkers as well, further enabling you to get higher on the corporate ladder, among other things.
Another benefit that you get when you learn speed reading is the ability to do better in most aspects of school work. School work—especially college work—can require a great deal of reading to learn your courses. Anyone in college can vouch for that, and whether it be reading out of a book or studying a course syllabus online; speed reading can help you achieve more in less time. No matter what your reason is to learn speed reading, it can and will help you accomplish your every reading task, in much less time than usual. The best way to achieve this process is with the 7 Speed Reading Software. It is a well-designed course that actually enhances your opportunities for speed reading success.
Speed Reading to me is not just about learning faster. I want to be able to comprehend the information better and retain it longer. It’s a total package. I believe that if we develop the ability to take in information and integrate it faster, we will start to reap the rewards of improved life quality.
I mainly got involved with Speed Reading because of my former career in the IT sector. With technology changing every day, I needed to stay current with all the latest news and trends. Then came the reading of many technical manuals. Speed Reading allowed me to stay knowledgeable in a very competitive industry with plenty of time to spare. The most amazing part of learning how to Speed Read were the 7 biggest side benefits that I began to notice. They were as follows…
  • Improved Memory
  • Better Focus
  • Higher Level Of Self-Confidence
  • Improved Logic
  • Higher Levels Of Emotional Well-being
  • Improved Problem Solving Skills
  • Higher Levels Of Motivation
At the bottom of this post, I have included a video with a Speed Reading drill that will not only help you increase your reading speed, comprehension and retention ability, it will also help you enjoy these incredible benefits.
Here is a detailed breakdown of the benefits.
  1. Improved Memory. The brain is like a muscle. If we train our minds, it will grow stronger, and it will be able to perform better. Speed Reading challenges our brains to perform at a higher level. When you train your mind to be able to take in information faster, other areas of your brain will also improve such as your memory. Remember when you read acts like a stabilizer muscle that gets worked when you Speed Read.
  2. Better Focus. Most people have the ability to read at 600wpm (words per minute). The actual average reading speed is around 200wpm. Why is there such a big gap? There are two primary reasons. Number one, the traditional reading style we are taught is not very efficient. The other reason is a lack of focus. If we are not focused on what we are reading, our mind will wander, and it will become occupied with other thoughts and thought processes. Speed Reading helps build focus.
  3. Higher levels Of Self-Confidence. I believe that this effect is the result of knowing that you can learn just about any aspect of life faster once you have a better ability to read faster and comprehend more. When you improve your capacity to learn faster, you will find that more and more doors open up for you and you start to get more options in life. I believe that this is because of every book or article whether it is fiction or non-fiction, causes us to shift our awareness and we begin to see more depth in our lives. This new found wisdom boosts our self-confidence.
  4. Improved Logic. Reading is an exercise for your brain. When you train your brain to read faster, something amazing happens. Your brain becomes more efficient at sorting information and finding correlations to other bits of information previously stored. The more you improve in reading speed, the faster this process happens, and you will automatically notice improvement with logic. You will then find that when you play games of logic such as chess, you are actually better at it.
  5. Emotional Well-being. Reading is very relaxing in general. It can help reduce stress because it gets your mind off worries or other thoughts that are not healthy and beneficial. When you read faster, you will be even more absorbed into the material. This causes you to focus predominately on the information you are learning. This is also known as active meditation. Active-Meditation is a meditative state achieved by doing an activity. This state can release tension and increase emotional well-being.
  6. Improved Problem Solving Skills. This again is achieved due to the exercise your brain goes through when Speed Reading. You can also take this a step further and read educational material during Speed Reading. By doing this, not only are you going to get the benefits from the theory, but you will also gain the advantages of Speed Reading
Speed Reading to me is not just about reading faster. It also comes with many benefits for the brain. Think of it as an exercise. Just like your muscles, if you exercise them, you will get stronger. If you use your mind, it will get stronger also. Check out the video below that has a simple exercise you can do right now to increase your reading speed and enjoy these benefits.


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